Recordings of the symposium “The Neolithic expansion from Anatolia to northern France”

“The Neolithic expansion from Anatolia to northern France” symposium was held last November by CNRS as part of our dissemination activities. You can now view the recordings of this seminar in two parts!

Part 1 includes:
E.-M. Geigl (IJM): Bienvenue
M. Somel (METU): Welcome address
C. Atakuman (METU): The archaeological perspective of the Neolithic revolution in the Middle East
E.-M. Geigl (IJM): La Paléo-/Archéogénétique
M. Somel (METU): Archeogenetics of the Neolithic in the Middle East / Genetic clues into Çatalhöyük society
F. Özer (HU): Anatolian Neolithic sheep and shepherds: from Anatolia to Europe
J.-P. Demoule (IUF): L’archéologie de l’expansion néolithique en Europe

Part 2 includes:
O. Parasayan & E.-M. Geigl (IJM): Archeogenetics of the Neolithic in Europe with particular emphasis on northern France
T. Grange (IJM): Domestication des bovins en Anatolie et propagation en Europe
E.-M. Geigl IJM): Introduction à l’exposition AGRIPOP
N.E. Altınışık (HU): The science of the genetics of past populations and individuals: beyond science

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