Recordings of the NEOMATRIX final meeting

The NEOMATRIX Final meeting was held on 5-6 December 2024 by FORTH in Heraklion. The event was organized by Dr. Argyro Naflioti (FORTH) in the form of a hybrid two-day event, which included sessions with the objective to share the project’s scientific results among partners. You can now view the recordings of this seminar in two parts! (Unfortunately due to a technical problem, the first four talks in Day 1 are missing from the recording.)

Part 1 includes:
A. Nafplioti, M. Somel: Welcome address
M. Somel: “Striving to democratize archaeogenomics research in an unequal world: dilemmas, constraints, and future prospects”
E.-M. Geigl: “NEOMATRIX, a European Twinning project aimed at distributing skills to democratize ancient DNA research”
C. Martin: “A needle in the haystack: detecting genuine selection in ancient timeseries data”

T. Grange: “Cost-effective high-throughput analysis of the Neolithic expansion”
A. Götherström: “Tales and microbes from Neolithic Scandinavia”
N. Galanidou: “On farmer – hunter/gatherer dichotomy: insights from the Aegean Mesolithic”
Ç. Atakuman: “An Emergent Picture of West Anatolian Neolithisation Process during the Early Holocene”
A. Nafplioti and I. Serpetsidaki: “The Early Neolithic Site of Katsambas on Crete: The People”
Y. S. Erdal: “Burial Custom in the Early Neolithic: A Study on Extensive Incisions and Delayed Burials for Understanding of Regional Differences and Similarity of the Upper Mesopotamia”
E. Yüncü: “Female lineages and changing kinship patterns in Neolithic Çatalhöyük”

Part 2 includes:
A. Kassian: “Nuclear Altaic phylogeny (Turkic, Mongolic, Tungusic): pre-neolithic heritage vs. neolithic contacts”
P. Pavlidis: “Using computational methods to study the evolution of languages and other cultural characteristics”
D. Koptekin: “Disentangling Cultural and Genetic Interactions in Aegean Neolithisation”
F. Özer: “Voyage of the Neolithic lambs from Anatolia to Europe”
M. Özkan: “Archaeogenomics of Equid Remains from Anatolia”
O. Parasayan: “The Neolithic of Northern France from an archaeogenetic perspective”
A. Papadopoulou: “Uncovering the Aegean: Population dynamics from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age” 
S. Papadantonakis: “Assessing the performance of qpAdm inference under various demographic models”
R. Rodriguez Varela: “Early Insights into the Population Landscape of Islamic Iberia”
A. Muriel: “Cracking the shell: genetic analysis of a calcified cyst”
E. Johnson: “Out of place and out of time: A high-coverage ancient brown bear mitochondrial genome from a lacustrine sediment layer”

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