Call for EAA 2023 session “Neolithization of the Mediterranean: Integrated Approaches to Old Questions”

As the NEOMATRIX team and through our collaboration with our colleague Tristan Carter from McMaster University, we will be hosting a session in the annual meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists this year (EAA 2023). The deadline for proposals is February 9th 2023, 23:59 CET, and the applications must be submitted through the EAA website. The meeting will take place in Belfast, Northern Ireland on 30 August – 2 September 2023.

Please check the information below and feel free to contact us for any questions.

Session #670: Neolithization of the Mediterranean: Integrated Approaches to Old Questions.
The spread of Neolithic lifeways, farming and herding, from the Middle East and Anatolia to the rest of the Mediterranean and Europe approximately 9 thousand years ago is a complex landmark event in the history of humankind that so far has been understood only in broad strokes.
Despite the extensive scholarship on the subject that includes studies of material culture, settlement, linguistic, archaeozoological, archaeobotanical, biogeochemistry and archaeogenetic data offering explanations about the processes involved, major questions remain concerning the specifics of demographic and cultural change, and chronology. Where population movement has been invoked to interpret change and cultural discontinuity, movements tend to have been simply identified as events, rather than further investigated as to the size, composition or organisation of the migrant groups, the motivation and consequences for all social groups involved, i.e. the people moving, the receiving communities as well as those staying behind.
This session therefore aims to shed new light on the Neolithic expansion through the Mediterranean in this context by studying population changes in detail and linking it to changes in material culture, language, lifeways and the socio-economic organisation of the populations involved, within a clear chronological framework. To this end we invite proposals for papers on this topic from a broad array of disciplines including archaeology, bioarchaeology, archaeogenetics, biogeochemistry, archaeodating, and linguistics.

Keywords: Neolithization, archaeology/bioarchaeology, archaeogenetics, biogeochemistry, archaeodating, linguistics

Argyro Nafplioti
Çiğdem Atakuman
Mehmet Somel
Tristan Carter

Abstracts should be between 150 and 300 words long and the title should be maximum 20 words.

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