Online joint lab meetings are regular activities included in the routine of NEOMATRIX, intended for standardizing protocols and pipelines across the partners as well as sharing research results. We held our first joint lab meeting on May 5th. It was a half-day virtual event comprising four talks, each followed with a Q&A and discussion session. Ezgi Altınışık from HU presented data from an ongoing study titled “First genomic insights into pre-pottery Neolithic of Upper Mesopotamia”, while Stefanos Papadantonakis from FORTH-ICS gave a presentation on “Selection inference in spatial heterogeneous environments”, and Caitlin Martin from IJM-CNRS gave a presentation titled “Polygenic risk scores in paleogenomics- are we there yet?”. Finally, Eva-Maria Geigl from IJM-CNRS gave a presentation titled “Women in science with a special zoom on the situation in paleogenetics”. This final talk, which elicited a lively discussion, was part of the activities aimed at raising awareness of gender equality-related issues in science, one of our project’s objectives.
Our first joint lab meeting was held